Our name and logo reflect our first two historical core businesses: lifting magnet systems to the steel industry and magnetic separators to the metal recycling industry.
Through the years, SGM has developed a position of pioneer and leader on industrial lifting magnets and has extended its magnetic separation expertise to other in-house separation technologies that are inductive based sensor separators, X-ray separators, colour sorters, gravimetric separation and complete process plants.
Present all over the world with multiple subsidiaries, we make of our proximity to the customers and our cutting-edge technologies, our strength and reason for them to rely on SGM.
Mission Separation
Our ambition is to bring our contribution to the circular economy by helping our customers to recycle more and better while increasing their profitability.
Mission Lifting
SGM is committed to spreading as much as possible, everywhere in the world, the technology of advanced lifting magnets to guarantee maximum safety and productivity to steel handling operations at steel mills, steel service centres, ports, shipyards… wherever heavy steel loads are handled.
Because nothing is more important than learning through experience. SGM started in 1954 and offers one of the largest and most international portfolio of references in its field of expertise.
This is the driving force of our growth and expertise. SGM has the widest range of in-house designed advanced technologies both for its lifting and separation activities.
Trust is the starting point of every collaboration which we pride ourselves in continuously strengthening over the years.
This special bond we have built with our customers is confirmed by the size and prestige of our references which keep coming back to us.
The passion for what we do is our drive to always stay close to our customers’ needs and to keep looking for the latest most advanced innovations.

Our history
A track record of expansion and technological development
SGM starts off with standard circular electromagnets for lifting scrap and plates followed by new magnetic lifting solutions as more sophisticated mill applications were developed (slabs, billets, coils, multi-plates, rails, bundles of construction bars, structural, pipes ,…).
Introduction of the Electro-Permanent Lifting Magnets quickly gained the confidence and interest of their users for the greater safety they offer.
In order to meet new safety, performance and weight requirements of the oil industry for pipe lifting applications on offshore drilling platforms, SGM introduced a new generation of Rare Earth Electro-Permanent Lifting Magnets. This new technology was quickly transferred to various lifting magnet steel industry applications.
Opening of SGM Germany, SGM UK and SGM Belgium
Introduction of the first proprietary SGM Flux Measuring Device(FMD), which is a major innovation of safety measurement technology for determining the lifting force of magnets.
Opening of SGM Magnetics in Pittsburgh, USA
Introduction of the octagonal SGM Mega Scrap Lifting Magnet featuring a proprietary double magnetic circuit allowing for handling more ferrous scrap and in a more compact way than the traditional two large round magnet solution. These scrap magnets rapidly become the reference solution for the quick and gentle loading/unloading operations of railcars and are also specifically suited for belt loading with Consteel technology.
Introduction of the proprietary VHG Magnetic Circuit consisting of the use of both rare earth magnets (Neodymium) and ferrite magnets thus combining the deep but not that strong attraction force of the Ferrite permanent magnets with the very strong but shallower attraction force of the rare earth magnets.
Introduction of the proprietary SGM Dynamic Ferrous Separators (DSRP) representing a technological evolution to the traditional magnetic pulleys resulting in the possible segregation of sellable ferrous nuggets from magnetic trash.
Introduction of the proprietary SGM Polishing Drum Magnets (PDM) for separating the electrical rotors (so-called “meat ball”) from a ferrous scrap stream hence reducing the copper content in ferrous scrap.
Introduction of the proprietary SGM Lifting Magnets for eye horizontal steel coils (CDMD). The CDMD measures the possible flexing and dynamic stress of those coils when handled and allows for innovative and greater safety in their handling with lifting magnets.
Opening of a second SGM subsidiary on the west coast of the USA, Los Angeles.
Introduction of the proprietary SGM lifting magnets with no side magnetic dispersion. These lifting magnets are especially suited for steel service centers where magnets can enter racks of steel bundles with no disturbing side attraction with steel columns or other bundles/packs next to the one being handled.
Opening of SGM India disposing of a mechanical shop for both production and repair.
Introduction of the proprietary SGM Eddy Current Separator (TVIS) spinning at 6.000 rpm provided with a titanium protection sleeve to contain the centrifuge forces of the permanent magnet blocks. Still today SGM is not only the pioneer of the high frequency ECS but, most probably, the quantity of high Frequency ECS (from 3.000 up to 6.000 rpm) supplied by SGM represents a multiple of the ones supplied by all the other brands put together.
Opening of SGM China with a demo line for the separation activity implemented in 2015
Introduction of the proprietary SGM Scrap Cleaning Line for Heavy Melt Scrap (HMS SCL) . The solution is designed to drastically reduce the about 5% non-ferrous trash present in the HMS for optimization of efficiency of the electric arc furnace.
Introduction of the proprietary SGM MIMS (Medium Intensity Magnet Separator) for the iron ore mining industry. The proprietary magnetic circuit of the SGM MIMS constitutes a true technological breakthrough to the state of the art of magnetic separators for iron ore.
Introduction of the SGM X-Ray dual energy Transmission sorter (XRT) for processing metals, heavy plastics and minerals.
Introduction of the SGM proprietary Smart Ballistic Separator (SBS) for processing Incinerated Municipal Waste (IBA). The separator allows the processing of wet IBA and the concentration of the solid pieces including the metals in a fraction larger than 2 mm and dryer than the infeed IBA. The SGM SBS represents a performing evolution of the state of the art for ballistic separators.
Introduction of the SGM proprietary Convection Electro Lifting Magnet (CELM) for hot materials. The design of the CELM drastically extends their possible duty cycles (and life time) on hot steel loads like slabs and billets. The SGM CELM constitutes revolutionary technological breakthrough innovation related to electro lifting magnets.
Opening of SGM Mexico covering all Latin America
Introduction of the SGM proprietary Convection Electro Permanent Lifting Magnet (EPCLM) for hot materials. The design of the EPCLM drastically extends their possible duty cycles (and life time) on hot steel loads like slabs and billets.
Introduction of the SGM High Resolution Color Sorter (CSS) for metals, polymers,…
Introduction of the SGM Eddy Current Separator (BVIS) designed to perform separation of the finest non-ferrous metals down to 0.2mm.
Introduction of the SGM Air Classifier (ACL and ACS) specially designed to optimize separation time between light and heavy particles.
Introduction of the SGM fully designed induction sensor separator (EMS) for stainless steel and copper wires.
Introduction of the SGM latest generation of X-ray separator (XRT) for the process of shredder residue fluff to reduce the chlorine and bromine content to less than 1% in over 70% of the fluff residue.
Introduction of the SGM Master and Slave lifting magnet spreader beams for the quick switch of one magnet system to another different one.
Introduction of the SGM Extra High gradient magnetic separator (SRP-W) specially designed to sort out lightly magnetic contaminant like pieces of stainless steel from a mixt of ASR Insulated Copper Wires (ICW) sorted out by induction sensor sorters.
Introduction of the SGM proprietary AirMag Separator (AMS), combining in one sorter a magnetic and a gravimetric process, specially designed to remove pieces of stainless-steel contaminant from a mixt of ASR Insulated Copper Wires (ICW) coming off a Pre-Chopping process.
Introduction of the SGM refining hammer mill as a Pre-Chopper for ASR Insulated Copper Wires (ICW) allowing for the process of low grade ICW.
Introduction of the SGM complete “No Blade (no granulator)” Insulated Copper Wires (ICW) chopping process based on the use of two turbo mills.
Introduction of the SGM proprietary X-Ray sorter (XRF-T) combining in one sorter the X-Ray Transmission and Fluorescence technologies.
Introduction of the SGM proprietary X-Ray sorter (XRF-BS) combining in one sorter the X-ray Fluorescence technology with the innovative X-Ray Back Scattering technology .
Opening of SGM Japan branch office.
70th anniversary of SGM Magnetics.